ISSN 1556-4975

OffCourse Literary Journal

 Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998


From The Misprision of Agon Hack, by Daniel Y. Harris


Agon Hack sircars his erratum slip
(ignoratio elenchi)—REPAIR_INGREDIENTS.put
                        _META, XRRecipes.RIB_BONE).
His planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal tests
            are suspended in a coccolith and clay matrix. 
            In this dire lesion, add #antiacta on the IRC
            server OccultusTerra.
                        Were the double column's control

not intact, chiarezza's scholar would denounce him.  
Brood and sham mood (diuturnity), 
            or OMG ITS THE ANONYMOUS—a high
                        priest convenes in holy fear's
            XRRecipes.ZOMBIE_HEART). It's a cinch
            conquest (samite/semite)—elegiac's disease
or Hiram trusts Overholt with his unlife. [‡ ‰]Ú[Ì
            È]‰Ï‡ ÂÓ̇[Ìȉχ[synesis]‡ÌÂÈ̇Â
                        [reaedify] ÏÂÙÒ ‰].

            In this primary compound Z, if X is a noun,
transpose [Xadjective + Ynoun]z SO [Xnoun 2 + Ynoun 1]z,
                        then he SHIFTS OUT
                        its chaoplexity—discordia concors.
                        MAKE ACTA PASS ON A POSITIVE
            GOLGOTHA. A mock's basal narcosis perjures
            his bait. Revenge's in hoc signo vinces is mock's case

                        Indelicate, dead on cart (sciuridae), militant
            direct action tactics sever comparatists. Google
            Scholar lists 3070 results for "Eocene fossil"
                                                and 8770 for "Eocene rocks."
                                    He catadiops a hysteric wound
                                    from a skiddie forum.


ASCII code 15 = SI 

Agon Hack's egraphen (HAXOR), interjects
oizuros: compile name:'BloodMagic', version:
                        blood_magic_version, ext:
            'jar'—(syncom)—cyberstat = (SWIFT_3D
Status *)I_AllocLow (DOSMEMSIZE).
He's an imperator spiritus whose ai/gle, glace,
gel, si/gle is a scrambled series.
            RMI.EAX = 0x5330's ñandú coq eggs
                        (Rhea americana) nutria (Myocastor
                        coypus) rodents teeth, fish species
            and cervidae species, recover faunals. Deip's

            katabasis (nosophist), a noble dare's DDoSing,
leaves less for a larméan aigu. Increate his yoke's etce
ce tera, (issues at stake)—impressum. He speaks
                        from his prothallial dais: by graft
                        and logolepsy's for (int z = pos.Z
            - searchRadius; z <= pos.Z + searchRadius; z++),
this valvassor edges his petit jésus. He then prowls
for spoils as patrons reissue their Purlicuists.

His wit (ophiophilistic), awaits orders
            from the botnet herder (yeehaw!)
            In this case, ennui is anomie's if (animator
            == null) throw new Exception
("entity.AnimManager.Animator is null!"), plus
a sinecurist, equals a tractrix. Unclench vaults,
cages, bars, curbs, bits, bolts, fetters. Orientalism
            at play in Çatalhöyük or bastardy,
                        base—pejorocracy, dies

            some pro patria, non dulce non et deco. Coils
in refuse, heaps its (SI), displays back. Anatomical
lesions in his cerebral apparatus are pandemoniac
            in origin. He overnames his pelorics
            and DDoSs Entstellung's
                        accusation recasts his ablauted laissé.

Daniel Y. Harris is the author of numerous collections of xperimental writing. His Posthuman Series includes The Reincarnation of Anna Phylactic (BlazeVOX, 2019), Volume III, The Tryst of Thetica Zorg (BlazeVOX, 2018), Volume II and The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), Volume I. His collections includeThe Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015) and Hyperlinks of Anxiety (Červená Barva Press, 2013). His xperimental writing and sauvage art have been published in AlligatorzineBlazeVOX, The Denver Quarterly, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, Marsh Hawk Press Review, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review,Offcourse, and Poetry Salzburg Review. He is the Publisher of X-Peri. His website is 

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