ISSN 1556-4975

OffCourse Literary Journal

 Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998


"Observations on Prince Rupert's Dogge called Boye (1643) ," by Francis Blessington

He made the prince wound-proof,
trapping bullets in his snout.
He rendered the prince unseen
and was hungry for his kiss.

Boy! he was, and the commander required
him to prophesy in Hebrew and High Dutch,
impersonate the commons and the quality.

He possessed all his Royalist master had,
compacted into white fur,
a perfected Rin-Tin-Tin,
a seasoned Civil-War battler,

and, though once a woman, was now
"Sergeant Major General Boy,"
a conjured, deployed familiar.


Blessington says: "My latest book of poems, Poems from Underground, was published last year by Deerbrook Editions. I have published two other books of poems. Wolf Howl and Lantskip as well asParadise Lost: Ideal and Tragic EpicParadise Lost and the Classical Epic, verse translations of Euripides' The Bacchae, Trojan Women, Helen, and Hecuba and Aristophanes' The Frogs, also a novel, The Last Witch of Dogtown."

His poems have appeared in Appalachia, Arion, Cumberland Poetry Review, The Dalhousie Review, Denver Quarterly, The Florida Review, Harvard Magazine, Light, Literary Imagination, New Letters, Offcourse, The Sewanee Review, Southern Humanities Review, Southern Poetry Review, The Southern Review, Yankee, and in many other journals.

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