ISSN 1556-4975

OffCourse Literary Journal

Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998


Three Poems by Oliver Rice.



Monday, Thursday,
spring, summer

the humanistic annals await,
     voices from a thousand and one nights,
     imperial Easter eggs of Faberge,
by happenstance importune

along the uptown side of Watkins,
in the newsstand by the subway exit,

     a kebab cooking in an Arabian stall,
     de Sade dying in an asylum,
awaiting the enlightenable,
persons with the third eye

for the Birth of Venus,
oriental rats bringing the Black Death,

randomly along the jogging path,
from the crosstown bus,
Cicero�s letters, a Zen garden,
the nine Muses, a fist hatchet.




the selves and alterselves inhabit,

decors of uncertain identity,
of ostentation, of indolence,
auras of the old inclinatons,

nuances of domesticity.





Various qualities of darkness
have fallen on the vicinity
of these, asleep or awake,
who take their consolations where they find them,
who deplore the drift of things,
of those who have made the same mistake before,
who no longer fear their fathers,

of one who exults in his fragment of night,
and one for whom night is a looming ambivalence,

of one who reveres the space his psyche ocupies
and one whose psyche falls short of itself,

of one under whose sun the world glistens
and one the streets of whose world do not confirm.

Oliver Rice’s poems have appeared widely in journals and anthologies in the United States, as well as Canada, Argentina, England, The Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, and India. An interview with Creekwalker was released by that zine in January, 2010. His book of poems, On Consenting to be a Man, is offered by Cyberwit, in Allahabad, India, and is available on Amazon. His online chapbook, Afterthoughts, Siestas, appears in Mudlark in December, 2010.

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