Offcourse Literary Journal
ISSN 1556-4975 

Six Poems by Travis Andersen.




The best never train.
They just show up.
Walk through fire.

Douse themselves
On the other side.

They make it.



Recasting Our Image


Lose the pinstripes.
Grow stubble.
Show us your repository.

Hit the dog-track.
Take the long odds.

Bring ‘em in.




The Revisionist


I dreamt that Frank O’Hara
Played minor league baseball
And had children
And lived.



What You Swerve For


Old ladies, provided they vote Blue.
Porn stars who never blue-ball the leading man.
Porn directors who administer blood tests before each new project.
Project developers who bring coffee and donuts to the groundbreaking ceremony.
Ceremonies in general.
Alcoholic generals stumbling out of the American Legion.
Legions of Great Danes.





A legacy that began with Marlowe and ended with Dr. Paul.
In between came St. Paul, Method Man and Dean for America.

I love them all.

I love prison riots featuring an alliance of killers, thieves
And suits in for stock fraud, trembling for dear life.

Dear Life,
Bring more upstarts, bodega beef and snow.

Drop it.



As We Speak


I ride the elliptical.
Soldiers drink wine coolers.
Ron Paul’s volunteers drink coffee
And recede further from jobs and spouses.
Cons march for voting rights.
Firefighters swerve trucks at the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
My children hock their passport photos.
The stolen Munch turns up in an inflatable pool,




Travis Andersen's poems have appeared in the American Drivel Review, Coe Review and Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal. He is also a regular contributor to the Review Review. His play "White Widow" premiered at The Blue Sphere Alliance in March 2004.

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