ISSN 1556-4975

OffCourse Literary Journal

Published by Ricardo and Isabel Nirenberg since 1998


Bio Notes for Galit Hasan-Rokem


photo of Galit

Photo by Varda Sahm-Pollak.

Galit Hasan-Rokem was born in Finland, and has lived in Israel since 1957. Her third book of poetry, Tsippori: Forty-Minus-One Byzantine Haiku from the Galilee and a Poem (Am Oved:2002) can be seen in translation at

Hasan-Rokem is a professor of Jewish and comparative folklore at Hebrew University, and the author of Web of Life: Folklore and Midrash in Rabbinic Literature (Stanford U. Press 2000) and Tales of the Neighborhood: Jewish Narrative Dialogues in Late Antiquity (U. of California Press 2003). She has also translated into Hebrew a selection of poems by Tomas Transtroemer.


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