November 18, 2002

Present: D. Armstrong, R. Collier, B. Dudek, P. Duchessi, K. Hitchcock, H. Horton, R. Hoyt, C. MacDonald, J. Pipkin, M. Pryse, C. Santiago, K. Smith, G. Spitze, T.Turner, E. Wulfert.

Chair Pipkin called the meeting to order at approximately 3:40 p.m.

1. Approval of the Minutes.
The chair notes the retirement of the recording secretary. He suggests that we table the approval of the minutes until individual Executive Committee (EC) members can give feedback on corrections. The committee agreed.

2. President's Report
-The President indicated that there is little new information on the Budget.

-The administration hosted the first ever Leadership Volunteer Retreat. It was attended by members of the Alumni Council, major donors, parents, and others. The reception for this event was held in the new Sculpture Studio on campus. The purpose of the retreat was to lead up to the Capital Campaign, which will be announced publicly on the weekend of April 25th. After the formal discussions, the group attended the UA Danes football game where the team won its first ever conference championship.

-The television news program, Hardball is coming to campus. This is a news show where the guest is placed in the "hot seat" in front of a college student audience. The guest for the University at Albany show will be Senator Hillary Clinton. It should be noted that Senator Clinton had the choice of any college or university in the state and she chose the University at Albany. The university will have its mascot present and students will be wearing school t-shirts. Understandably, the tickets were a hot item.

3. Chair's Report
-There was a meeting between a delegation from the University Senate and the faculty of Nanoscience faculty last week. More discussion on this meeting will be presented from Senator MacDonald's report.

-The next faculty forum will be held on Monday November 25th. Three speakers are scheduled for the program, Chair Pipkin, Senator Collier and a concerned faculty member, John Monfasani.

-Senators Dudek and MacDonald will speak later on at this meeting on the by-laws revisions.

4. CPCA No report

5. EPC No report.

6. GAC
GAC met on November 1st and 15th. They addressed issues of admissions standards for French. Also discussed was the Nanoscience curriculum proposal. The proposal was passed and sent on to the full senate.

-Senator Horton asked for clarification and elaboration on the perception of the Nanoscience faculty that GAC Chair MacDonald had a conflict of interest relative to their proposed curriculum. After much discussion and explanation, Senator MacDonald and Chair Pipkin provided a satisfactory response to Senator Horton. MacDonald assured the Nanoscience faculty that her status as GAC chair will not be perceived as a bias for or against their program. The Physics dept. and the Nanoscience faculty will meet to work out their course overlap issues. The curriculum was passed. There will be a bill submitted to the senate at a later date. A summary document will be forthcoming from the school. It was suggested that an electronic version of the document be sent to the senate.

7. RES no report

LISC met on November 11th. They discussed the development of a policy on personal web pages. A list of recommendations was developed and sent to the Provost.

An ad hoc subcommittee met to discuss administrative and managerial misconduct. This subcommittee decided to meet with the By-Laws Committee.

10. By-Laws Committee
The By-Laws Committee gave an interim report to the Executive committee summarizing their current thinking and the state of the revision process. Co-chair Dudek stated that it was necessary to review the by-laws in search of needed revisions. In response to the presentation, the President cautions the committee on the legalities of Senate governance of a non-university entity (i.e. UAS), and on her ability to establish task forces. After some discussion appropriate amendments were made to the wording of the summary. There was considerable discussion on the appropriate means to distribute the report. Senators Dudek and MacDonald will make a presentation to the Council of Deans in January.
1. Executive Committee members will provide feedback on the current draft of the report to the Chair before November 25th.
2. Chair Pipkin will email the PowerPoint to the whole senate membership.

11. Old Business
Senator Wulfert reported on the academic misconduct group. The group has completed the third draft of its report. They discussed the report with the interim Vice President of Research. The report is now on the President's desk.

12. New Business
A proposal will be forthcoming regarding changing the university course schedule (the Gibson-Bromley proposal). Advantages and disadvantages of the proposal were discussed and it was decided to refer the matter to EPC, which will develop a mechanism to bring the issue to the University community.

The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Hayward D. Horton