Emergency Management at UAlbany

Our team promotes a more resilient, safe, and secure campus community.

During emergencies, the University follows best practices and emerging trends to mount sound response efforts that protect the lives, property, and environment of our students, faculty and staff. 

Read UAlbany’s Emergency Management Plan. (You must sign in using your UAlbany NetID and password to access this document.)

We follow the continuous Preparedness Cycle, which involves evaluating and improving, planning, organizing and equipping, training, and exercising.

Our manager develops a variety of emergency plans and products which guide emergency management, including continuity, on our campuses. We also track and improve our work to streamline the management of events and incidents. 

We encourage you to review the following resources: 


Instructor Guidance for Classroom Emergencies 

Faculty and instructors are presented with unique challenges during emergencies, especially since they travel between buildings, classrooms and labs throughout the day.  

Students look to their instructors for guidance and definitive action during an emergency, so instructors should spend a few minutes at the start of each semester reviewing basic evacuation and emergency procedures with their classes. 

Prepare yourself and your students for an emergency
  • Clearly cover your classes’ basic emergency procedures during the first week of the semester. Ten minutes of pre-planning can save lives. 

  • Know how to report an emergency from the classroom. 

  • Communicate the evacuation route and designate an assembly area outside the building in case of an emergency. 

  • Always bring a class roster, a cellphone and a list of important telephone numbers (department leadership, supervisors, lab managers, etc.) with you. 

  • Ask students if they have emergency training, such as CPR or first aid, and be prepared to call on them in an emergency. 

  • If a medical emergency happens, evacuate the classroom to give emergency responders better access to the victim. 

  • People who self-identify as having access and functional needs may need assistance leaving the building during an evacuation. 

  • Persons with access and functional needs, who self-identify, may need assistance leaving the building during an evacuation and should be able to provide information on special assistance needs if an emergency occurs.

  • Most importantly, provide leadership and follow emergency procedures if an emergency arises. 

Know how to report an emergency

In an emergency, immediately call the University Police Department by dialing 911 on a campus phone or 518-442-3131 on a cellphone. We strongly suggest you save this number in your cellphone. 

Once you’re connected to a 911 dispatcher, state the nature of your emergency and your location. Remain on the line until the dispatcher hangs up. 

Have a plan for evacuating your class
  • Use the nearest available exit.  Look for illuminated Exit signs in larger classrooms to determine primary and secondary Exits.  

  • Know the evacuation routes for your classroom. Evacuation routes are posted on building walls throughout the hallways. Review the Evacuation Plans for buildings you work in. 

  • Communicate the evacuation route to your class and designate an assembly area outside the building in case of an emergency. 

  • Ensure everyone in your class is leaving the building. Evacuate to at least 50 feet away from the building. Account for all students. 

  • If someone has access or functional needs that prevent them from exiting the building without assistance, they should move to a safe location near a stairwell to be rescued by a firefighter. Once at that safe location, they should call the University Police Department at 518-442-3131 and provide their exact location (floor, stairwell number, etc.), name and cellphone number. If possible, they should ask someone to accompany them until they reach a safe location, then ask that person to evacuate and notify first responders of their exact location.  

  • All fire alarms require mandatory evacuation. 

Learn what to do in the case of an active shooter

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.  

While the likelihood of an active shooter incident is low, no organization is immune from tragedy. In most cases, active shooters don’t show a pattern in their selection of victims. Common motives for violence are anger, revenge and ideology. 

If you encounter an active shooter situation, you must quickly determine the most practical way to protect your own life. You will need to decide whether to run, hide or fight

Run if there is an accessible escape path 

  • Leave your belongings behind 

  • Help others escape, if possible 

  • Do not try to move the wounded 

  • Prevent others from entering an area where the active shooter may be 

  • Keep your hands visible 

  • Call 911 or University Police (518-442-3131) when you are safe 

Hide if evacuation is not possible 

  • Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view 

  • Lock door or block entry to your hiding place 

  • Silence your cell phone (including vibrate mode) and remain quiet 

Fight only as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger 

  • Attempt to disrupt or incapacitate the shooter 

  • Act with as much physical aggression as possible 

  • Improvise weapons or throw items at the active shooter 

  • Commit to your actions, your life depends on it      

If you’re in a safe place, call 911 or University Police (518-442-3131).  

What to tell 911 dispatchers 

  • Location of the active shooter 

  • Number of shooters 

  • Physical description of shooter(s) 

  • Number and type of weapons each shooter has 

  • Number of potential victims at the location 

The first police officers to arrive on scene will not stop to help the injured. Expect rescue teams to follow initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove injured. 

When law enforcement arrives 

  • Remain calm and follow instructions 

  • Drop any items in your hands (bags, jackets, etc.) 

  • Raise your hands and spread fingers 

  • Always keep your hands visible 

  • Avoid quick movements toward officers and don’t grab or hold onto them 

  • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling 

  • Do not ask questions when evacuating 

Once you have reached a safe location, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so. 


Training & Exercises 

Training allows us to practice and evaluate our level of readiness. The Exercise Cycle involves designing, developing and conducting a training, then completing an evaluation and planning for improvements. The Continuity and Emergency Manager coordinates, plans, and conducts drills and other types of exercises to not only test the University’s plans and procedures but also to familiarize the UAlbany community with emergency response. 

All exercises are developed and conducted following the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).  Emergency Management also supports and participates in various exercises both on campus and with our community partners. 



Policies, Agencies & Resources 

Daily UAlbany Weather report 


Related Policies 

SUNY Policy 5606: Emergency Response Plan Requirements 

SUNY Policy 5608: Emergency Notification Protocol Requirements 

SUNY Policy 3653: Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order 

Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5: National Incident Management System 

Presidential Policy Directive 8: National Preparedness 

Related State Agencies 

New York State Office of Emergency Management 

New York State Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services 

Partner Offices at UAlbany

Office of Environmental Health & Safety

Office of Facilities Management

University Police Department

Related Resources 

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

National Incident Management System (NIMS) 

Ready.gov Guidance for Incident Management 

Disaster Resilient Universities (UAlbany is a member) 
