College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity


Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science is a rich and diverse community of scholars at the forefront of their field. It is home to the BS degree in Computer Science-Combined, BS Degree in Computer Science and Applied Math, accelerated BS/MS degree program, MS in Computer Science, and a PhD in Computer Science. The department also offers a Computer Science minor. 

Students study test results on a computer screen.
Researcher in foreground tests a piece of equipment in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering.


Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

The fully-featured Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering offers degrees from the BS through the PhD in an environment that fosters both learning and research. It is home to the undergraduate (BS) and graduate (MS and PhD) programs in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Department of Environmental & Sustainable Engineering

The first of its kind collegiate program in the United States, the groundbreaking Department of Environmental & Sustainable Engineering’s field of study and research examines traditional environmental protection, but also explicitly includes a rare focus on sustainable use and design of natural and engineered environments. It is home to the BS in Environmental and Sustainable Engineering. (The MS and PhD programs are moving through the NYS approval process.) 

Researchers examine the bark of a tree branch.
Researchers work on equipment in the Department of Nanoscale Science & Engineering
Department of Nanoscale Science & Engineering

Considered “one of the most advanced nanotech universities in the world,” by CNBC, the Department of Nanoscale Science & Engineering is a Semiconductor and AI industry leader. This world-renowned department enables students to pursue scientific, technical, and professional careers in emerging nanotechnology-focused fields or competitive graduate degrees in nanoscale science or nanoscale engineering, biotechnology and related fields, traditional engineering fields, and other physical sciences such as materials science, physics, and chemistry all directly connected to industry leadership, right on the Albany Nanotech Complex campus. 

Recent News
Contact the College of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering
CNSE Downtown Building

1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
United States

Office Hours

On-site summer hours:
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or by appointment


Mailing Addresses

Dean’s Office, ECE Dept, ESE Dept, CS Dept
University at Albany
1400 Washington Ave
(Person Name / CNSE – Downtown / CNSE – ETEC / CNSE – UAB)
Albany NY 12222

CNSE-NANO (NSE Department)
257 Fuller Road
Albany NY 12203

Overnight packages
(ESE Department)
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226