Procedures for Pre-tenure Term Renewals

What is the faculty term renewal process?

The term renewal process is critical for the evaluation of a candidate’s progress toward tenure. Not only does it provide the candidate with timely, constructive feedback on how to proceed toward a successful tenure review, but it also helps the candidate identify any weaknesses while they still have ample time to make adjustments.

A faculty member's initial appointment typically lasts three years and can be renewed for one to two years at a time. Their first term renewal review is is held during the second semester of their second year and their second review is held during the second semester of their fourth year.

This timeline also applies to faculty who are placed in qualified rank to stop the tenure clock or who are awarded Drescher leaves and request to be placed in qualified rank. The one-year COVID-19 extension postponed the tenure eligibility date by one year but it does not alter the term renewal schedule.

Faculty members who are placed in qualified rank or who requested the one-year extension are required to have a third renewal.


What materials are required for a term renewal?

A complete Term Renewal Packet must be uploaded to HRTS as a single PDF file. The following documents must appear in that packet, in the following order:

  • The Dean's recommendation, addressed to the Provost, must provide a detailed, thorough rationale for the term renewal. This letter should be CC'd to the Department Chair and the candidate. Note: If a Department Chair's recommendation is not applicable, this must be noted in the Dean's recommendation.
  • The Department Chair's recommendation, if applicable, must be addressed to the Dean. The first paragraph must describe the method by which the Chair consulted with faculty in the candidate's academic unit. The letter must also address research, teaching and serve, include the recommended duration (one or two years) of the term renewal. The recommendation should be CC'd to the candidate.
  • The candidate's CV must be dated and signed.
  • The candidate's research statement is required. Statements on teaching and service are optional but encouraged.
  • A list of courses taught must include enrollments, grade distributions, SIRF data and comments since the candidate's last renewal.


What should candidates know about the renewal process?

Candidates' renewals will be reviewed by their department or, as appropriate, by their school/college. During Departmental Review, faculty members will formally discuss the term renewal according to their academic unit's bylaws or standard procedures.

Candidates are also entitled to formal feedback during this process. After the Dean's Review, the candidate must receive a copy of the file, including the Dean's recommendation. The candidate will then have five business days to respond if they wish. 

At that time, the Department Chair and the candidate will discuss the outcome of the term renewal review, including:

  • The recommended length of term renewal (one or two years) and the reasons for the recommendation
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the review, as outlined in the Dean's recommendation and the Chair's recommendation
  • Specific goals for the next renewal or tenure review


Schedule for Term Renewal Reviews

Adjustments to this schedule may be appropriate in special cases. If a candidate expects an extension to the normal schedule, they should request to stop the tenure clock and include adjusted dates for term renewal review in their request. Otherwise, a normal schedule for term renewal review will be assumed.

Timeline for September Hires

Renewal procedures will occur during the spring semester of the faculty member's second year and fourth year.

  • December 1: The faculty member must be informed that they will be reviewed for term renewal.

  • April 1: Their complete Term Renewal Packet must be submitted to the Provost's Office via HRTS as a single PDF.

  • May 1: The Provost acts on the term renewal.

  • May 15: Human Resources communicates the decision.

Timeline for January Hires

Renewal procedures will occur during the fall semester of the faculty member's second year and fourth year.

  • July 1: The faculty member must be informed that they will be reviewed for term renewal.

  • November 1: Their complete Term Renewal Packet must be submitted to the Provost's Office via HRTS as a single PDF.

  • December 1: The Provost acts on the term renewal.

  • December 15: Human Resources communicates the decision.