MATH 369
Statistics and Data Analysis

Spring Semester, 2001

Assignments in the course

Statistics and Data Analysis

Call No. 7283

TIME OF MEETING: Mon.-Wed.-Fri.  1:25 - 2:20
INSTRUCTOR: Professor Karin Reinhold,  ES 128A,  phone 442-4641
Office hours:   to be determined    -   or by appt.,  or by e-mail.
TEXT: Probability and Statistics: for Engineering and the Sciences, by Jay Devore. First edition, 1999. Editor: Duxbury, Thomson Learning.


This course focuses mainly in analysis of variance. We will first discuss basic statistics and their distributions and then proceed with analysis of variance, distribution free methods, data analysis and perhaps sampling. We will cover portions of chapters 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15. I will also supplement the book with additional material as needed.


This schedule is temptative, I may change later the number of exams. Assignments are an essential part of the course and their total will count as one exam.
Event Weight 
Final examination  100 pts
Exams (4)
(best 3)
100 pts each
Assignments 50 pts
Total 450 pts
Exam 1: Feb. 14 Chapters 7 (CI for variance), 9, 10
Feb. 19 no classes
Feb. 26 - Mar 2no classes, break
Exam 2: Mar 19: Chapters 10 & 11
Mar. 22: last day to drop with a W
Apr. 9 - Apr 13no classes, Spring Break
Exam 3: Apr 18: Chapters 11 & 14
Exam 4: May 4: Chapters 15
Final Exam: May 7: Chapters 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15.


Attendance at class meetings is recommended. However, if you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out the topics covered in that class and the homework or assignments I gave.
Attendance at exams is mandatory. If you have a personal problem and can not come to an exam, you have to contact me in advance (that is before the exam) and explain your reasons and discuss with me how you are going to make it up.
To contact me you can talk to me in my office, phone (2-4641), e-mail ([email protected]), or leave a note under my door or with the secretaries.
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