MATH 367/367Z A
Discrete Probability

Fall Semester, 1998

Assignments in the course

General information about the course

About printing

Discrete Probability

Call No. 7393/7394 (for Z)

TIME OF MEETING: Tue & Thr  1:00 - 2:20
PLACE: Lecture Center 11
INSTRUCTOR: Karin Reinhold,  ES 128A,  phone 442-4641
Office hours:      -   or by appt.,  or by e-mail.
TEXT: Discrete Probability, by Hugh Gordon, Springer, NY 1997.


This course is a first course in Probabilities. We will learn about counting techniques, probabilities and discrete random variables. We will also learn a bit of continuous random variables, specially the Normal Distribution, to later study limits of distribution. Lastly, we will study Random Walks and Markov Chains.


Event Weight   Date
Final examination  50%  Mon., Dec 14 from 3:30 - 5:30 a.m.
Midterm test 25%  TBA, perhaps Oct. 20, in class
Quizzes and (2) Projects 25%  quizzes every Thursday, projects TBA
Total 100%


Attendance at class meetings is a recommended but class participation is a requirement for passing the course. In each class, I will ask students to solve problems on the board.

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  1. You may not be equipped to view DVI or PostScript.
  2. If you are not sure about printing, ask before trying.

More information about printing is available.

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