Fall 2014 Courses

Please note that it is possible my teaching assignment could change. Also note that the information here is subject to change (e.g. a classroom could be moved). Syallabi for the classes are not here. Students will either receive the syllabus itself or instructions on how to get the syllabus in class at the start of the semester.

Mathematics 367/367Z - Discrete Probability

Class numbers 2186 (for AMAT 367) and 2187 (for AMAT 367Z), MWF 11:30 AM - 12:25 PM in PH 123. (AMAT 367Z is the writing intensive version of the course.) The textbook is Discrete Probability by Hugh Gordon.

Mathematics 467 - Continuous Probability and Mathematical Statistics / Mathematics 554 - Introduction to Theory of Statistics

Class number 2190 (AMAT 467) and 2200 (AMAT 554) MW 2:45-4:05 PM in ES 242 These courses meet simultaneously. The textbook is Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 7th ed. by Hogg, McKean, and Craig.

Questions: E-mail me at mhildebrand AT albany.edu where you should replace AT with the @ symbol.