The “Sum” of the Positive Integers

Featured in the Science section of The New York Times on February 4, 2014: 1+2+3+4+5+=ζ1=112

You find this puzzling? It goes back to what is meant by the value of the sum for an infinite series. There is a common understanding of that when the infinite series is convergent, but this one, on the contrary, is divergent.

It is commonly known that with ζs=n=11ns, which is the definition of ζs as the sum of a convergent infinite series when s>1, one has ζ2=π26. In fact, a computer algebra system with sufficient symbolic power, such as Sage, will produce this precise result without showing a decimal approximation.

ζ1 can be derived from the value of ζ2 using the functional equation for Riemann's zeta function, which relates ζs with ζ1s.

The definition of ζ by an infinite series gives rise to an analytic function of the variable s for all real values of s>1 and, moreover, for all complex values of s=u+iv with u>1. The fact that it makes sense for complex values is significant because, although ζ “blows up” at s=1, one can nonetheless investigate the possibility of analytic continuation of ζ, which, due to the nature of analyticity, is unique whenever it is possible. Riemann did that, and so we know that ζs thereby has a unique meaning for all complex values of s other than s=1 and s=0. In particular, it is meaningful for s=1.

For a clean statement of the functional equation it is desirable to “complete” the zeta function in the following way.

Because every integer n1 has a unique factorization n=pprimepordpn where ordpn0 denotes the highest power of the prime p dividing n, the infinite series defining ζs can be re-written, using the formula for summing a geometric series, as an infinite product, which is due to Euler: ζs=pprime111ps. This product is taken over all of the ordinary primes. Each of these primes p gives rise to a “valuative metric” — a notion of distance dp – defined by dpm,n=mnp where np=pordpn. Of course, there is also the ordinary absolute value defined by n=nifx0nifn<0. It turns out to be convenient to think of the ordinary absolute value as corresponding to a “prime at infinity” and work with an infinite Euler-style product that includes a factor for the prime at infinity.

Having for all “finite” primes p the Euler factors ξps=111ps one defines the Euler factor for the infinite prime to be ξs=πs2Γs2 where Γ denotes the factorial interpolating “Gamma” function, which may be defined by Γs=0tsetdtt. Basic facts about Γ include:

  1. Γn+1=n!.

  2. Γ12=π.

  3. Γs+1=sΓs.

These various Euler factors are tied together at a deep theoretical level by each being, relative to the prime p at hand, the “Mellin transform” of a canonical “Gaussian density” in the world of the p-adic absolute value p that is equal to its own “Fourier transform” in that world. For p= the Gaussian density is the classical probability density function for the normal distribution: Φx=eπx2.

Using all the Euler factors one defines the complete zeta function  ξs=pprime,pξps =ξs·ζs =πs2Γs2ζs

Riemann proved that ξ1s=ξs. This equation may now be understood as a divergent model of the Poisson summation formula. Applying it with s = 2 one has ξ1=ξ2. So  ζ1=ξ2ξ1ζ2 =1ππ·Γ12·π26 =1π·π·2π·π26 =112.