INF 723: Proseminar in Information Science (Info. Theory)



A short paper (5-10 double-spaced pages) and a long paper (15-25 double-spaced) are due on May 12, 2008. The topics should come from any two of the three areas covered in teh course: Information Theory / Entropy, Coding Theory/Bayesian Decision Theory, and Logic & Information/Algorithms & Complexity. Total Points: 100

General criteria that will be used in the evaluation of the papers:

  1. Clarity of thoughts and validity of arguments
  2. Relevance to the class material
  3. Significance of work
  4. Originality and Innovation
  5. Proper citations for any referred work (Scholarly References)
  6. Spelling/Grammar
SectionQuestions to Address
AbstractGood summary of the paper
Introduction (Motivation)What is the problem?
Why it is interesting/important/relevant?
What do you plan to do?
Literature ReviewWhat have other people done about it?
Why is that insufficient, how you fill the gap?
Model/Theory/PhilosophyWhat you propose?
How is it better than what is in the literature?
Methodology (tools & techniques)Detailed analytic techniques for your research
What is the scope of your model?
What are the limitations of your technique?
Data, Analysis & Validation What data will you use?
How will you collect the data?
What are the uncertainties in the data?
Results(For Completed Work)
What the results say
(Charts, analysis and observations)
Conclusions & Future WorkWhat did you conclude?
How did your conclusions compare to hypotheses?
What needs to be done next?