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Bob Gluck
Selected essays and publications on topics of Jewish interest.

On communal issues and Jewish learning

"Ambivalence and Jewish Identity: Theory and Practice" (Master's thesis, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University), Summer 1984

"Baby M," Genesis 2, Summer 1987

"The Sacred Bridge", Raayonot, Summer 1987 (on ancient Jewish music)

"Perpetuating the Memory of Hershel Matt," Raayonot, Spring 1988

"The Promises of a Lifetime," Reconstructionist, Autumn 1990 (on AIDS)

Vehavienu L'shalom: Bring Us Together in Peace, A Guide to Organizing New Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot, Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot, 1992

Homosexuality and Judaism: The Reconstructionist Position (Editor), Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, January 1992-1993

Homosexuality and Judaism: A Reconstructionist Workshop Series, (Editor and essayist), Reconstructionist Press, 1992

"Appreciating Our Ability to Help," Raayonot, Autumn 1992

"More Than a Service Center: The Synagogue As a Center For Service," Raayonot, Spring 1993

"How Is Our Movement Different?: Living Out Our Ideals," Reconstructionism Today, Spring 1994

"Clergy Corner" columns, Berkshire Record (quarterly column), 1993-1998

"Intergeneration Arts Programming," Gesher v'Kesher, Winter 1996-97

"Remembering Ira Eisenstein", Reconstructionism Today, Winter 2001 - 2002

"Some Reflections on Reconstructionist Prayer,", Reconstructionist, Spring 2002

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On Music of the Jewish People

"Expanding Our Musical Boundaries", Reconstructionism Today,Summer 1999.

"On the Composing of Stories Heard and Retold;", 1997

"Jewish Music or Music of the Jewish People," Reconstructionist, Spring 1997

"Prayer and Singing" Worlds of Jewish Prayer: A Festrift For Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, New York: Jason Aronson, 1993.

"Arnold Schoenberg and the Quest for a Jewish Spiritual Identity" (Winner of the J. Walter Sokolov Prize, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College,1989).

"Opening Our Voices in Prayer,"Reconstructionist, June 1988 (On creative musical settings for Psalm texts).

"Instrumental Music in Jewish Culture and Tradition," 1988

"The Sacred Bridge," Raayonot, Summer 1987 (On the nature of ancient Jewish music.)

On domestic violence in the Jewish Community

"Foolish Pride," (member of team of authors; nationally-promoted slide show script on dating violence), 1986

"Domestic Violence and Counseling of Batterers," Gesher, May 1987

"The Masks We Wear: Communal Responsibility and Domestic Violence," (nationally syndicated column, sponsored by the National Havurah Committee), March 1988

"Jewish Men and Violence in the Home--Unlikely Companions?" A Mensch Among Men, Harry Brod, editor, Crossing Press, 1988

"Domestic Violence in Jewish Homes," nationally-syndicated op-ed column; appeared in (The Jewish Week (New York), The Exponent (Philadelphia) and numerous other Jewish newspapers, Winter 1988-89

"Breaking the Silence on Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community," Reconstructionist, March 1989


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