Faculty Awards

State University of New York Chancellor’s Awards


Excellence in Professional Service
Aaron McCloskey, Human Resources Management
Brian Stephenson, Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Excellence in Librarianship
Gregory Wiedeman, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Rabi Ann Musah, Department of Chemistry
Mathias Vuille, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Yiming Ying, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Excellence in Teaching
Mark Hughes, Department of Accounting and Law
Maeve Kane, Department of History

Excellence in Faculty Service
Sheila Curran Bernard, Department of History
Karen Reinhold, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Excellence in Classified Service
Erik Dubb, Facilities Management
James Hardy, Facilities Management
Richard Sargent, Student Financial Services


Excellence in Professional Service
Tara Evans, Center for International Education and Global Strategies
Leandra Harris, Residential Life
Merissa Mabee, Human Resources Management

Excellence in Librarianship
Irina Holden, University Libraries

Excellence in Teaching
Samantha Friedman, Department of Sociology
Carmen Serrano, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures


Excellence in Professional Service
Noella Angelozzi, Office of Financial Management & Budget
Brad Bunzey, Office of Architecture, Engineering & Construction
Jason Jones, Office of Parking & Mass Transit Services
Mary Kay Skrabalak, Educational Opportunities Program
Barbara Zampella, Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

Excellence in Librarianship
Rebecca Nous, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Dolores Cimini, Center for Behavioral Health Promotion & Applied Research
Christine Wagner, Department of Psychology

Excellence in Teaching
Andrea Kordzek, School of Criminal Justice
Christopher Pastore, Department of History

Excellence in Faculty Service
Joette Stefl-Mabry, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security & Cybersecurity


Excellence in Professional Service
Peter Recore-Migirditch, University Libraries

Excellence in Librarianship
Sue Kaczor, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Department of Public Administration & Policy
John Schwaller, Department of History

Excellence in Teaching
Danny Goodwin, Department of Art and Art History


Excellence in Professional Service
Claudio Gomez, Educational Opportunities Program
Jane Krumm-Schwan, Center for Technology in Government
Clarence McNeill, Student Affairs

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Shao Lin, Environmental Health Sciences

Excellence in Teaching
Tse-Chuan Yang, Sociology
Sean Rafferty, Anthropology

Excellence in Faculty Service
Cynthia Fox, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 


Excellence in Professional Service
Monica Hope, Educational Opportunities Program
David Mason, University Accounting
Aran Mull, University Police Department
Denise Szelest, Human Resource Development

Excellence in Librarianship
Allison Hosier, University Libraries
Wendy West, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Louise Burkhart, Anthropology
Zai Liang, Sociology
Siwei Lyu, Computer Science

Excellence in Teaching
Richard Schneible, Accounting and Law
Victor Asal, Political Science

Excellence in Classified Service
Cynthia Endres, Dean’s Office, College of Arts and Sciences


Excellence in Professional Service
Michael Boots, University Development
Meghan Cook, Center for Technology in Government
Joyce DeWitt-Parker, Counseling and Psychological Services
Elizabeth Gaffney, College of Arts and Sciences
Janet Thayer, Office of General Counsel

Excellence in Librarianship
Mark Wolfe, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Sheila Curran Bernard, History
Alexander Shekhtman, Chemistry
Ben Szaro, Biological Sciences

Excellence in Faculty Service
Anne Hildreth, Political Science
Christine Wagner, Psychology

Excellence in Teaching
Kelly Wissman, Literacy Teaching and Learning

Excellence in Adjunct Teaching
Stephen Hogan, Criminal Justice


Excellence in Professional Service
Janet Riker, University Art Museum

Excellence in Librarianship
Brian Keough, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Melinda Larsen, Biological Sciences
Li Niu, Chemitry
Donna Scanlon, Literacy Teaching and Learning

Excellence in Adjunct Teaching
Dennis McCarty, Criminal Justice
Helen Stuetzel, Literacy Teaching and Learning


Excellence in Teaching
Deborah Lines Andersen, Information Studies/Informatics
Julie Novkov, Political Science/Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Blanca Ramos, Social Welfare
Laura Wilder, English

Excellence in Faculty Service
George Berg, Informatics
Sanjay Goel, Information Technology Management
Gilbert Valverde, Educational Administration and Policy Studies

Excellence in Professional Service
Lisa Ferretti, Center for Excellence in Aging and Community Wellness
Carol Perrin, Residential Life
Latonia Spencer, Student Financial Services
Lindsay Van Berkom, University Libraries
Andrea Wolfe, Center for International Development

Excellence in Librarianship
Elaine Lasda Bergman, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Charles Hartman, East Asian Studies
Igor Lednev, Chemistry
Michael Sattinger, Economics


Excellence in Teaching
David Straight, Anthropology

Excellence in Adjunct Teaching
Rocco Ferraro, Geography and Planning
Janice Pata, Biomedical Science

Excellence in Faculty Service
Anthony DeBlasi, East Asian Studies

Excellence in Professional Service
Paul Berger, University Police
Kathy Gersowitz, Arts and Sciences
Karen Chico Hurst, Registrar
Mary Ellen Mallia, Environmental Sustainability
Cynthia Riggi, Student Success

Excellence in Librarianship
Yu-Hui Chen, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Shawn Bushway, Criminal Justice
Cristian Lenart, Mathematics
Marina Petrukhina, Chemistry


Excellence in Teaching
Rita Biswas, Finance
Ryan King, Sociology
Marcia Sutherland, Africana Studies

Excellence in Faculty Service
Susanna Fessler, East Asian Studies
Richard Fogarty, History

Excellence in Professional Service
Diana Mancini, School of Criminal Justice

Excellence in Librarianship
Gregory Bobish, University Libraries

Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Graham Barker-Benfield, History
Peter Johnston, Reading
Giri Tayi, Information Technology Management


University at Albany President’s Award for Excellence


Excellence in Professional Service
Angelina Díaz-Myers, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
Sheena Loughlin, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
Debernee Privott, College of Arts and Sciences
Kristen Swaney, Academic Support Center (ASC)
Stacey Zyskowski, School of Criminal Justice

Excellence in Librarianship
Amanda Lowe, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Fangqun Yu, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC)
Julia Hormes, Department of Psychology and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research, College of Arts and Sciences
Justin Pickett, School of Criminal Justice
Matthew Szydagis, Department of Physics
Meredith Weiss, Department of Political Science
Ryan Torn, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences

Excellence in Teaching
Susanna Fessler, Department of East Asian Studies
Federica Francesconi, Department of History
Paul Stasi, Department of English
Allison Craig, Writing and Critical Inquiry Program
Mary Avery, Department of Psychology
Arzana Myderrizi, Department of Public Administration and Policy

Excellence in Classified Service
Heide Horan, Residential Life
Sandra Peterson, Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration

Excellence in Academic Service
Edmund Stazyk, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy


Excellence in Professional Service
Colleen Davis, The Graduate School
Michael Dzikowski, Information Technology Services
Tuuli Edwards, Office of Financial Management and Budget
Jermaine Harris, Office of Career and Professional Development
Tremaine Harris, Department of Residential Life
Carmelina Morrison, UAlbany Alumni Association
Dafney Amilcar-Rodriguez, Office of Student Financial Services
Crystal Rogers, School of Social Welfare

Excellence in Librarianship
Kelsey O’Brien, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Bradley Armour-Garb, Department of Philosophy
Victor Asal, Department of Political Science
Andrew Berglund, Department of Biological Sciences/RNA Institute
Youqin Huang, Department of Geography and Planning
Satyendra Kumar, Associate Vice President for Research/Ion Beam Lab
Liming Zhou, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences

Excellence in Teaching
Christine Bozlak, Department of Health Policy, Management, and Behavior
Amanda Spriggs, Department of Anthropology

Excellence in Classified Service
Erik Dubb, Department of Physical Plant
Richard Sargent, Office of Student Accounts

Excellence in Academic Service
Mila Gasco-Hernandez, Department of Public Administration and Policy/Center for Technology in Government


Excellence in Professional Service
Kevin Wilcox, Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance
Nelly Bonilla, Office of Financial Aid
Aaron McCloskey, Human Resources Management
Brian Stephenson, College of Arts and Sciences
Pamela Alexander, Student Activities & Orientation

Excellence in Librarianship
Gregory Wiedeman, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Mathias Vuille, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Rabi Musah, Department of Chemistry
Robert Rosenswig, Department of Anthropology
Antun Milas, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Yiming Ying, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Excellence in Teaching
Maeve Kane, Department of History
Mark Hughes, School of Business

Excellence in Support Service
Marcy Casavant, Intercultural Student Engagement
James Hardy, Facilities Paint and Sign Shop

Excellence in Academic Service
Sheila Curran Bernard, Department of History
Karin Reinhold, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Suraj Commuri, School of Business


Excellence in Professional Service
Tara Evans, Center for International Education and Global Strategies
Leandra Harris, Residential Life
Merissa Mabee, Human Resources Management

Excellence in Librarianship
Irina Holden, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Jeanette Altarriba, College of Arts and Sciences/Department of Psychology
Prashanth Rangan, Department of Biological Sciences
Eli Rosenberg, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics

Excellence in Teaching
Stephanie Affinito, Department of Literacy Teaching and Learning
Samantha Friedman, Department of Sociology
Carmen Serrano, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Excellence in Support Service
Susan Walsh, Student Affairs


Excellence in Professional Service
Noella Angelozzi, Office of Financial Management & Budget
Brad Bunzey, Office of Architecture, Engineering & Construction
Ann Gunning, University Libraries
Jason Jones, Office of Parking & Mass Transit Services
Mary Kay Skrabalak, Educational Opportunities Program
Barbara Zampella, Department of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences

Excellence in Librarianship
Rebecca Nous, University Libraries

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Dolores Cimini, Center for Behavioral Health Promotion & Applied Research
Christine Wagner, Department of Psychology

Excellence in Teaching
Abigail Kleinsmith, Department of Psychology
Andrea Kordzek, School of Criminal Justice
Christopher Pastore, Department of History
Christine Vassallo-Oby, Department of Latin America, Caribbean & U.S. Latino Studies/Academic Support Center

Excellence in Support Service
Marlene Bauman, Residential Life
John McGuire, University Police Department
Alina Mikula, Facilities Management
Kim Nava, Writing & Critical Inquiry Program

Excellence in Academic Service
Joette Stefl-Mabry, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security & Cybersecurity


Excellence in Teaching
Pauline Carrico, Biological Sciences
Angela Ellis, History
Danny Goodwin, Art and Art History

Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Thomas Begley, Biological Sciences
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Center for Technology in Government/Public Administration & Policy
John Schwaller, History

Excellence in Professional Service
Kim Engel, Performing Arts Center
Nancy Lauricella, Student Affairs
Peter Recore-Migirditch, University Libraries
Estela Rivero, Student Affairs

Excellence in Librarianship
Sue Kaczor, University Libraries

Excellence in Support Service
Lynne Cable, Human Resources Management


Excellence in Research and Creative Activities

Shao Lin, Environmental Health Sciences

Excellence in Academic Service
Cynthia Fox, Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Excellence in Teaching
Veronique Martin, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Sean Rafferty, Anthropology
Stephen Weinberg, Public Administration and Policy
Tse-Chuan Yang, Sociology

Excellence in Professional Service
Irene Andrea, History
Jonathan Bartow, Graduate Education
Claudio Gomez, Educational Opportunities Program
Jane Krumm-Schwan, Center for Technology in Government
Clarence McNeill, Student Affairs

Excellence in Librarianship
Allison Hosier, University Libraries
Wendy West, University Libraries

Excellence in Support Service
Brenda Lewis, Africana Studies


Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Louise Burkhart, Anthropology
Zai Liang, Sociology
Siwei Lyu, Computer Science

Excellence in Teaching
Victor Asal, Political Science
Hirah Mir, Educational & Counseling Psychology
Richard Schneible, Accounting and Law
Trudy Walp, Literacy Teaching and Learning

Excellence in Professional Service
Monica Hope, Educational Opportunities Program
Indumathi Lnu, Facilities Management
David Mason, University Accounting
Aran Mull, University Police Department
Denise Szelest, Human Resources Management

Excellence in Librarianship
Mark Wolfe, University Libraries


Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Sheila Curran Bernard, History
Alexander Shekhtman, Chemistry
Ben Szaro, Biological Sciences

Excellence in Academic Service
Anne Hildreth, Political Science
Christine Wagner, Psychology

Excellence in Teaching
Jennifer Crowley, Anthropology
Dawit Demissie, Information Studies
Stephen Hogan, Criminal Justice
Thomas Palmer, Communication/Journalism
Kendra Smith-Howard, History
Kelly Wissman, Literacy Teaching and Learning

Excellence in Professional Service
Barbara Altrock, Social Welfare
Michael Boots, University Development
Meghan Cook, Center for Technology in Government
Joyce DeWitt-Parker, University Counseling Center
Elizabeth Gaffney, Arts and Sciences
Jennifer Goodall, Engineering and Applied Sciences
Janet Riker, University Art Museum
Janet Thayer, University Counsel’s Office

Excellence in Librarianship
Brian Keough, University Libraries


Excellence in Research
Melinda Larsen, Biological Sciences
Li Niu, Chemistry
Donna Scanlon, Literacy Teaching and Learning

Excellence in Academic Service
George Berg, Informatics
Sanjay Goel, Information Technology Management
Gilbert Valverde, Educational Administration and Policy Studies

Excellence in Teaching by Academic Faculty
Deborah Lines Andersen, Information Studies/Informatics
Julie Novkov, Political Science/Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Blanca Ramos, Social Welfare
Elaine Salisbury, English/Journalism
Laura Wilder, English

Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students
James Broussard, Psychology
Stephanie Kazanas, Psychology

Excellence in Professional Service
Donna Canestraro, Center for Technology in Government
Lisa Ferretti, Center for Excellence in Aging and Community Wellness
Carol Perrin, Residential Life
Latonia Spencer, Student Financial Services
Lindsay Van Berkom, University Libraries
Andrea Wolfe, Center for International Development

Excellence in Librarianship
Elaine Lasda Bergman, University Libraries


Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
Charles Hartman, East Asian Studies
Igor Lednev, Chemistry
Michael Sattinger, Economics

Excellence in Academic Service
Anthony DeBlasi, East Asian Studies
Virginia Goatley, Reading

Excellence in Teaching
Jeannine Chandler, History
Michelle Moshier, Accounting and Law
David Strait, Anthropology

Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students
Kristen Hourigan, Sociology
David Jones, History

Excellence in Professional Service
Paul Berger, University Police
Kathleen Gersowitz, Arts and Sciences
Karen Chico Hurst, Registrar
Mary Ellen Mallia, Environmental Sustainability
Cynthia Riggi, Student Success

Excellence in Librarianship
Yu-Hui Chen, University Libraries


Excellence in Research
Shawn Bushway, Criminal Justice
Cristian Lenart, Mathematics
Marina Petrukhina, Chemistry

Excellence in Academic Service
Susanna Fessler, East Asian Studies
Richard Fogarty, History

Excellence in Teaching
Rita Biswas, Finance
Ryan King, Sociology
Marcia Sutherland, Africana Studies

Excellence in Teaching by Adjuncts and Lecturers
Shu-Han Yeh, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Katherine Van Acker, English

Excellence in Teaching by Graduate Students
Mohammad Qneibi, Chemistry
Steve Sin, Political Science

Excellence in Professional Service
Diana Mancini, Criminal Justice

Excellence in Librarianship
Gregory Bobish, University Libraries


Collins Fellows

The Collins Award recognizes faculty members who, over a sustained period of time, have exhibited extraordinary devotion to the University and the people in it. In carrying out their responsibilities a number of faculty have given of themselves to a singular degree to the life of the institution. The award bears the name of Evan Revere Collins, who was president of the institution from 1949-69 and led the campus’s evolution from a college to a university. 

Collins Fellows Recipients:


David Rosseau, Political Science
David M. Smith, Finance

Richard Fogarty, History
Janell Hobson, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Ray Bromley, Geography and Planning

Jeanette Altarriba, Psychology
Julie Novkov, Political Science

Richard F. Hamm, History

Randall T. Craig, English

Stephen North, English
Kevin J. Williams, Psychology

John W. Delano, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Teresa M. Harrison, Communication

James Acker, School of Criminal Justice
Iris Berger, History, Women’s Studies, Africana Studies

Lindsey N. Childs, Mathematics and Statistics

Hasssaram Bakhru, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Daniel C. Levy, Educational Administration and Policy
Steven F. Messner, Sociology

Richard H. Hall, Sociology

Leonard A. Slade, Jr., Africana Studies
Bruce L. Miroff, Political Science

David P. McCaffrey, Public Administration
Glenna D. Spitze, Sociology

Paul A. Leonard, Business
Edelgard Wulfert, Psychology

Peter A. Bloniarz, College of Computing and Information
Martha T. Rozett, English
Lynn Videka, Social Welfare

John S. Pipkin, Geography and Planning

Allen B. Ballard, History
Roberta M. Bernstein, Art

Ronald A. Bosco, English
Shirley J. Jones, School of Social Welfare

Sue R. Faerman, Public Administration and Policy

Vincent J. Aceto, School of Information Science and Policy
Judith E. Barlow, Women's Studies/English
Warren E. Roberts, History

Carlos Santiago, Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Susan Sherman, Schools of Social Welfare and Public Health

Judith Baskin, Judaic Studies
Daniel Wulff, Biological Sciences

Martin Edelman, Political Science
James T. Fleming, Reading

Francine W. Frank, Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Sung Bok Kim, Undergraduate Studies

Christine E. Bose, Sociology/Women's Studies
Helen Desfosses, Public Administration and Policy/Africana Studies
Donald J. Reeb, Economics

Stephen E. DeLong, Geological Sciences
Joan E. Schulz, English

M.I. Berger, Educational Administration and Policy
Judith Fetterley, English

Richard M. Clark, Educational Psychlogy and Statistics
Harold Story, Physics

Edna Acosta-Belen, Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Women's Studies
Eugene McLaren, Chemistry

Shirley S. Brown, Psychology
R. Findlay Cockrell, Music

Harold Cannon, Accounting
Margaret A. Farrell, Teacher Education

Kendall A. Birr, History
Arthur N. Collins, English

Frank G. Carrino, Hispanic and Italian Studies
Helen G. Horowitz, Economics