Lindsay W. Cogan

Lindsay W. Cogan

Research Associate Professor
College of Integrated Health Sciences
Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior


Health Sciences Campus GEC 175

PhD- Epidemiology, University at Albany School of Public Health 2013
MS- Epidemiology, University at Albany School of Public Health 2004
BA- Biology, Hartwick College 2001

A portrait of Lindsay Cogan.

Dr. Cogan is a research associate professor in the Department of Health Policy Management & Behavior. Dr. Cogan's primary appointment is Deputy Director for the Office of Quality and Patient Safety, at the New York State Department of Health. Much of her work has centered on the quality of health care delivery in New York State compared with other States using national measurement programs, such as HEDIS, CAHPS, CHIPRA, Meaningful Use, and Medicaid Adult and Child Core Quality measures. As a part of her work, she also is responsible for evaluating quality initiatives specific to Medicaid, such as Medicaid Redesign, children with sickle cell disease, patient centered medical homes, and behavioral health programs.


Areas of Interest

  • Health Services Research
  • Medicaid data
  • Quality Measurement
  • Maternal and child health
  • Women's Health (e.g. contraception and STI's)


Committee or Policy Work:

  • Medicaid Adult and Child Core Set Workgroup 2017- Present
  • NCQA Technical Measurement Advisory Board Member 2016-Present


Learn more about Dr. Cogan's work