2003-2004 University Senate Executive Committee Meeting
September 8, 2003
Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Donna Armstrong, Hara Charalambous, Richard Collier, Bruce Dudek, Karen Hitchcock, Andi Lyons, Carolyn MacDonald, Gwendolyn Moore, John Pipkin, Marjorie Pryse, Carlos Santiago, Joan Savitt, Glenna Spitze, Lynn Videka, David Wagner, Edelgard Wulfert

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the April 7, 2003 meeting were approved as amended.

President's Report:

· Enrollment: This year's freshmen enrollment target of 2,100 has been exceeded, with an enrollment of 2,166 new students. These are divided into three academic groups: Group I represents 36% of the enrollment, and the enrollment in Group III is down to only 5.7%. Average SAT scores (1168) are 13 points higher than last year, with the University's goal being ultimately to reach 1200. The mean GPA is up also, and 22% of new freshmen are now coming from the top 10% of their high school classes.
International student enrollment has increased; but transfer student enrollments are down slightly, as are the number of Master's program enrollees. However, on an overall basis, the University is doing an excellent job at meeting its enrollment goals.
· Budget: Last year the University faced a $12.3 million-dollar shortfall from rollover debt and the commitment of nonrecurring funds from previous years, and the increases in SUNY tuition did not entirely compensate for this deficit. At the same time, the State of New York is facing a $12 billion shortfall for the current fiscal year. The President is not yet aware whether or not there will be a mandated mid-year reduction, but such a requirement would create an enormously difficult fiscal challenge for the University.

University Faculty Senate Report: (By Mr. Richard Collier)

The GEN corporation's online SUNY Gen Ed courses are an ongoing business issue. Neither the Faculty Senate nor SUNY received satisfactory
answers from Hudson Valley concerning these offerings, but they are no longer an issue because GEN has decided the courses were not cost effective
and has cancelled the program.

Regarding the Trustees' recent policy mandating System-Wide Assessment of SUNY Gen Ed, the Albany Resolution that passed last year took the
stance that the University Senate will not participate itself and it will not nominate people nor encourage people to participate. Hopefully, a white paper
will be written on it; he is on the committee to write the white paper.

Chairs Report:

  · Senate Website: Chair Pryse announced that several Council minutes are missing from the website and asked the   Council Chairs to forward copies of minutes to Jayne VanDenburgh for posting on the website. She reminded Mr.   Collier that the SUNY-Wide Senate Report needed to be submitted. She asked Senate Secretary Lyons to assist with   keeping the website up to date.

 · Council Chair Announcements:

· Professor David Wagner is now appointed as Chair of LISC.
· Professor Donna Armstrong agreed to serve as Interim Chair of CAFE. If a permanent chair cannot be   found quickly, Chair Pryse will ask the President to appoint Professor Armstrong as a Senator.

  Annual Reports:

Past Senate Chair John Pipkin said he would submit his 2002-2003 final report in September. He is still missing several reports from last year's councils, and is contacting the chairs of those councils to encourage them to complete this final responsibility.

  Council Reports:

· ULC - Professor Gwendolyn Moore, Chair. The first meeting is scheduled for next week. Old business includes revisiting the matter of the physical environment in the Lecture Centers, including adding more chairs for students, up to the maximum allowed by fire code.

· CPCA - Professor Glenna Spitze, Chair. The first meeting is scheduled for September 26th.

· EPC - Professor Elga Wulfert, Chair. The 2003-2004 EPC members met this summer regarding budgetary considerations and placing budget information on the web. The two URPAC representatives on EPC have met with the Provost and Vice President Lowery; this is an ongoing discussion and will continue Friday at EPC's next meeting.

The EPC Subcommittee on Research Centers met several times over the summer with center directors and the Interim Vice President for Research. The mission of the subcommittee is to inform the general faculty of proposals for, and the purposes and goals of, new centers.

· GAC - Professor Hara Charalambous, Chair. Three committees will be formed at the first meeting later this week and, among other issues, GAC this year will be exploring electronic thesis submission and the curriculum in the School of NanoSciences and NanoEngineering.

· UAC - Dr. Joan Savitt, Chair. The first meeting of UAC will be later this week. UAC is considering bringing a bill to the Senate this year that would restrict seniors from enrolling in 100 level classes. This is a complex issue affecting many students and, indeed, the entire undergraduate advisement process. UAC is urged to work with the Office of Institutional Research in gathering and analyzing data. It was suggested further that UAC include Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management Sheila Mahan in its deliberations.

· RES - Professor Lynn Videka, Chair. The first meeting of the Research Council is scheduled for next week. Even though the Council did meet several times over the summer, there are still several carryover items from last year. Items being discussed are the nominations to the President and Interim Vice President for Research for the Excellence Awards in Research, the FRAP program, the research center approval process, and a reactivation of the Research Liaison Committee.

· LISC - Professor David Wagner, Chair. While, the first meeting is scheduled for next week. there are no new issues on the agenda. However, several items will carry over from last year. These include the possible consequences of the Patriot Act, issues with PeopleSoft software, quick links on the main page, domain names, and the University policy link on the main page. The topic of students downloading music from the Internet was discussed. Since there are very real legal ramifications around this issue, President Hitchcock suggested that LISC work with University legal counsel to develop a proposed policy.

· CAFE - Professor Donna Armstrong, Interim Chair. CAFÉ has yet to meet this year.

· CERS - Professor Bruce Dudek, Chair. The main business of CERS will be to complete the merging of the framework on academic dishonesty into University policy, in cooperation with the Office of the Vice President for Research. The University is now operating under the framework that was adopted in the spring and Dr. Dudek emphasized that its specifications should be followed closely in the event of any allegations of academic misconduct by faculty.

· BYLAWS Group - Professor Bruce Dudek also reported for this group. The Bylaws Committee undertook to edit the text of the Senate Bylaws and now is working on a full revision to be effective fall of 2004. The Committee worked through the summer and has a first draft of the Senate Charter, including council definitions, completed. When completed, copies of the entire draft will be sent to the Senate membership for discussion.

 New Business:

Issues arising for possible forwarding to Senate Councils:

Reduction in services of the Career Development Center. Chair Pryse reported that Vice President Doellefeld spoke about the reduction in Career Development Services at the Executive Committee Orientation Meeting, and expressed the view that this matter should be discussed by ULC. The reduction was made as a result of the budget situation. For that reason, this decision was reviewed with, and accepted by, URPAC. Provost Santiago explained that the reduction in service would affect primarily the graduate level, where much of the career counseling activities take place at the academic departments. It was agreed that Vice President Doellefeld should speak with ULC, GAC and UAC about these reductions.

· Distribution of printed materials on campus and the size of public displays:

In a memo to Professor Pipkin, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Carl Martin raised questions concerning the size of student group public displays and printed materials posted on the Campus. He explained that last year he received several complaints about large displays. He reviewed the section in the Faculty Handbook pertaining to student public displays and discovered that a limit to the size of displays was not addressed. Professor Pipkin proposed that ULC study this matter. Chair Pryse recommended further that, because issues of academic freedom may arise, CAFE should be involved as well. The President suggested that University legal counsel be invited to any such discussions, in that First Amendment issues may well be factors.

Professor Pipkin also announced that the entire Faculty Handbook is now posted on the Senate website.

First Senate Meeting:

· Chair Pryse would like to have Chief Advancement Officer John Wolff speak to the Senate at its first   meeting about the Capital Campaign to outline the campaign itself and explain its specific components.

· Chair Pryse will call on each Council Chair to make a report at the first Senate meeting.

· Council membership will be the prime order of business.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jayne VanDenburgh, Recorder