- General

Arab Women Connect (by UNIFEM)
An internet networking/training project aiming at providing greater access to
information, analyses and resources on Arab women.

Women in the Middle East
From Yale University. Information and links to women's organizations in the Middle East.

Women in the Arab World
Daily updated news and links to articles and web resources concerning a variety of
issues such as "the Hijab Debate," "Women's Status," etc.

- Palestinian Women

Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling
A Jerusalem-based Palestinian NGO working to promote the legal and social
status of Palestinian women.

General Union of Palestinian Women
"The General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW) was established in 1965 as a body within the Palestinian Liberation Organization and according is considered to be the official representative body for Palestinian women around the world . It is also the umbrella for all women's organizations in Palestine and in exile."

Bibliography on Palestinian Women
By Saliba Sarsar, Middle East and Jewish Studies, Columbia University.

- Iranian Women

Iranian Women Poets
Work of notable women poets in Iran.

The Myth of Oppression
A Ph.D dissertation by Monique Ann Girgis.

Women in Iran
General information about Iranian women's social life.

An interactive Directory / Anthology of the arts and ideas of Iranian Women.

- Israeli Women

Bat Shalom - Feminist Center for Peace in the Middle East
An organization of Israeli women working toward a peace between Israel and its
Arab neighbors.

Israel Women's Network - Shdulat Hanashim Beyisrael
Major aspects of Israeli women's feminist movement.

- Turkish Women

Singing His Words: Ottomen Women Poets and the Power of Patriarchy
A research project by Kemal Silay, Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies, Indiana

Turkish Women's Wear
The rich clothing culture of the female Turks.

Political Participation Patterns of Turkish Women
An online article by Burcak Keskin.

Other Links
Web resources of Middle East women and gender. (by Cornell University Library)


GLBT People in the Middle East & Asia
Links to GLBT websites of different countries.

Power and Sexuality in the Middle East
An online article by Bruce Dunne, Middle East Report.

Bibliography of Middle Eastern Gay and Lesbian History

Bibliography of Sexuality in Middle East Societies

Annotated Bibliography of Topics Related to Gender, Sexuality and Health in
Middle East
( in PDF file)

Other Links
Provided by U of Texas.

Human Right

Human Right Watch
Daily updated news, analysis and resources based on issues of human rights in the
Middle East.

Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA)
Focusing on the rights of children in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon and Iraq.

Amnesty International
A worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all human rights.
Searchable library for articles.

Women's Rights (Cairo, Egypt)
Articles, projects and web resources concerning women's rights.

Other Links
Provided by U of Texes.

Worker & Labor

Labor and union news in the Middle East, with searchable country files.

Anti-capitalism inspires revolt in Middle East
A report of the Beirut Conference, by Socialist Worker.

Trafficking and Transiting: New Perspectives on Labor Migration
A special issue of the Middle East Report, Summer 1999. Some articles are
available online.

Youth for International Socialism
Providing news, information, and analysis of the Middle East from a youth, labor,
and Marxist perspective.

Other Issues

Islam for Today
Articles and resources of Muslim schools, education and family life.

Minorities in the Middle East
A collection of articles concerning minority groups in different countries. (by Middle
East Report)

Links to Minorities in the Middle East
Extensive links provided by Columbia University.


General Resources
News & Media
Regional Resources
Main Menu