Graduate Bulletin

Courses in Portuguese

Por 502 Linguistic Structure of Modern Portuguese (3)

The linguistic structures of contemporary Portuguese. Students will be expected to do an independent research project on the description of some aspect of the Portuguese language. Prerequisite: An introductory course in linguistics or consent of instructor.

Por 505 History of the Portuguese Language (3)

The development of Portuguese from Latin to the modern period; the history of the language will be viewed from the perspective of modern linguistics, with emphasis on phonology and morphology. Students will be expected to submit a research paper. Prerequisite: An introductory linguistics course or consent of instructor.

Por 511 A Survey of Portuguese Literature (3)

Survey of major features of the literature of Portugal from the medieval to the modern period, with special attention to relationships with the literature of Spain, when appropriate. Prerequisite: Por 207 or consent of instructor.

Por 512 Survey of Brazilian Literature (3)

A survey of major features of the literature of Brazil from colonial to contemporary times, with special attention to relationships with the literature of Spanish America, when appropriate.

Por 522 Studies in Brazilian Literature (3)

Selected topics in Brazilian literature from colonial to contemporary times. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisite: Por 512 or consent of instructor.

Por 611 Studies in Portuguese Literature (3)

Selected topics in Portuguese literature from medieval, classical, romantic and contemporary periods. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisite: Por 511 or consent of instructor.