Industry Analysis and Competitive DynamicsIndustry Analysis and Competitive Dynamics


Organizations bullet.gif (257 bytes) Industries and Markets bullet.gif (257 bytes) Rivalry and Competitor Profiles bullet.gif (257 bytes) Competitive and Cooperative Responses bullet.gif (257 bytes) Articles


American Society for Industrial Security | Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Industries and Markets

Barriers to Entry | Analyzing Industries (Stock Research) (3/9/2000) | Industry Pages | Industry Reports by U.S. Business Reporter | IndustryLink | QuickMBA: Porter’s Five Forces | tutor2u: Analyzing Competitive Industry Structure

Rivalry and Competitor Profiles

"Click & Dagger" (CIO July 1996) | Competitive Intelligence: A Librarian’s Empirical Approach | "Competitive Intelligence Programs: An Overview" | Fuld Intelligence Toolbar | Pricing Primer | tutor2u: Competitor Analysis | Virtual Business Information Center | Washington Researchers Business Intelligence Needs Diagnostic and "Wish List" For Company Studies

Competitive and Cooperative Responses

Al Roth’s game theory, experimental economics, and market design page | Co-opetition Interactive | Economic and Game Theory | Evolution of Cooperation | Game Theory from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy | Game | Game Theory and Experimental Economics | Game Theory Society | QuickMBA: Game Theory | Strategy and Conflict | Yahoo! Economics > Game Theory


"Social Science at 190 MPH on NASCAR’s Biggest Superspeedways" | "Strategic Management and Michael Porter: a postmodern reading" by Toby Harfield EJROT (August 1998)

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Copyright � 1997 Paul Miesing. All rights reserved. Revised on February 04, 2006.