

 *Any publication with an asterisk was authored or co-authored by one of our Health Disparities Fellows

In Press

Altman, B, Mian, MN, Dalal, DK, Ueno, LF, Luna, R, Slavin, MN, & Earleywine, M., (In Press). Gender-based differential item function in the Cannabis-Associated Problems Questionnaire: A replication and extension. Addiction Behaviors.

Andaya, E. “The Anthropology of Reproduction,” Companion to Medical Anthropology, 2nd ed. Merrill Singer, Pamela Erickson, and César Abadía-Barrero, eds. Wiley.

Andaya, E. Reproductive Governance in Practice: State-Provided Reproductive Health Care in Cuba and the United States. In The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Reproduction, Sallie Han and Cecilia Tomori, eds. Routledge.

Bhatia, R. “Figuring India and China in the Constitution of Globally Stratified Sex Selection.” (in press) Asian Bioethics Review. Forthcoming.

Cestone, LM, Jones, LV,  Harris, MA, Quezada, NM & Roest-Gyimah, N (revision in progress). Black Americans’ social emotional responses to race-related discriminatory content on social media. Journal of Ethnic & Cutural Diversity in Social Work, Routledge

Crnic, KA, Lin, B. (under review). Depression in Children’s Lives. In Bornstein, M. H. (Eds), Elements of Child Development. (Vol 1). Cambridge (England): Cambridge University Press.

Ertl, M, Pazienza, R, Cannon, M, Cabrera Tineo, YA*, Fresquez, CL, McDonough, AK, Bozek, DM, Ozmat, EE, Ladouceur, GM, Planz, EK, & Martin, JL (under review). Associations between impulsivity and exercise addiction, disordered eating, and alcohol use behaviors: A latent profile analysis.

Golden, AG, & Bencherki, N. (in press). “I’m just saying”: The practical management of multiple voices in a community health initiative. In Chantal Benoit-Barné and Thomas Martine (Eds.), Speaking with one voice: Multivocality and univocality in organizing.  New York, NY: Routledge.

Golden, AG, Medved, CE, & Andaya, E. (in press) “I Never Even Tried to Get Out of Work”: Low Wage Service Work, Work-life Interrelationships, and Women’s Health

Golden, AG, & Jorgenson, J. (in press)“If something were to happen”: Communicative practices of resilience in the management of work-life precarity

Kalu, O*, Bhatia, R (in press). Black women and birthing experience. Feminist Anthropology.

Kalu, O*, Lawrence, W* (in press). NHANES breastfeeding experiences and obesity. Pediatric Obesity Journal.

Kalu, O*, Horton, HD, (in press). The Sociopolitical Experiences of Black Women in a Digital Social Media Forum.

Kamody R, Grilo C, Vásquez E, Udo T. (In Press) Diabetes prevalence among diverse Hispanic populations: considering nativity, ethnic discrimination, acculturation, and BMI. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity (in press).

Kim, A. & Li, R. (in revision). Spatial learning with small display in representational and field tasks: Roles of visual variables in the acquisition of spatial knowledge. Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Manganello J, Penta S, & Whalen E. (In press). Risk communication and infodemics: Challenges and opportunities for local health departments. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.

McAdams R, Roberts K, Klein E, Manganello J, & McKenzie L. (In press). Using social media to disseminate injury prevention content: Is a picture worth a thousand words? Health Behavior Research.

Pieterse, A, Roberson, K*, Paiko, L, & Kirkinis, K (in press) Students of color in counseling psychology doctoral training: A modified CQR analysis Counselling Psychology Quarterly

Salo M, Appleton AA, Tracy M. (in press) Childhood adversity trajectories and violent behavior in adolescence and early adulthood. In press at Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Schlomer, GL, & Marceau, K. (in press). Father absence, age at menarche, and genetic confounding: A replication and extension using a polygenic score. Development and Psychopathology.

Schlomer, GL, Yang, P, Lippold, MA, & Feinberg, ME. (in press). Longitudinal discrepancy in adolescent aggressive behavior problems: Differences by reporter and contextual factors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 

Tang F, Gates M, Vásquez E.  A cross-sectional study of diabetes and multiple cancers among people after 45 years old in United States. Public Health (in press).

Vásquez E, O’Malley I, Cruz-Gonzalez M, Velásquez E, Alegría M. (in press) The Impact of Social Support on Treatment Participation and Completion in a Disability Prevention Intervention for Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Health.

Vásquez E, Zhang W, Botoseneanu A, Dreby J, Lee, S.  Nativity, Family Support and Disability Trajectories: Results from the Hispanic Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly. Ethnicity and Disease (in press).

Vásquez E, Lee EE, Zhang W, Tu X, Moore DJ, Marquine M, Jeste DV: (in press) HIV and Three Dimensions of Wisdom: Association with Cognitive function and Physical and Mental Well-Being. Psychiatry Research (in press).


Burrell, J. (2021) “Citizen Security and Vigilante Justice.”  In The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology.  Mark Goodale, Marie-Claire Foblets, Maria Sapignoli and Olaf Zenker eds.

Burrell, J. “Thoughts on Expertise and Knowledge Production:  On Witnessing, Standing With, and Collaborating.” Annals of Anthropological Practice. (under review)

Chatterji, P. & Li, Y. "Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient providers in the US" Forthcoming in Medical Care.

Crnic, KA, Lin, B. (under review). Depression in Children’s Lives. In Bornstein, M. H. (Eds), Elements of Child Development. (Vol 1). Cambridge (England): Cambridge University Press.

Dipeolu, A, Hargrave, S, Leierer, SJ, Cabrera Tineo, YA*, Longoria, A, & Escalante, M. (2021). Dysfunctional career thoughts and the sophomore slump among students with learning disabilities. Journal of Career Development. Advance online publication. https://10.1177/08948453211000130

Du Z, Huang Y, Lawrence WR*, XU J, Yang Z, Lu J, Zhang Z, Hao Y. (2021) Leading Enterovirus Genotypes Causing Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in Guangzhou, China: Relationship with Climate and Vaccination against EV71. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Jan 2; 18(1). PMID: 33401757

Fernandes, LMM, Lansky, S, Passos, HR, Bozlak, CT, Shaw, BA.  (2021) Brazilian women’s use of evidence-based practices in childbirth after participating in the Senses of Birth intervention: A mixed methods study.  PLOS One.

Fleerackers, A, Riedlinger, M, Moorhead, M, Ahmed, R, & Alperine, JP. (2021). Communicating scientific uncertainty in an age of COVID-19: An investigation into the use of preprints by digital media outlets. Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1864892 [published online ahead of print, 2021 Jan 03]

Hackstadt, A. (2021). A Review of Grey Literature Cited by Food Loss Law and Policy Scholarship. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, 22(1-2), 22-36.

Harris BR, Tracy M, Comber KG, Pechenik S, Carruthers JW. (2021) Suicide safer care in behavioral health settings: a comparative analysis of perceptions, training completion, and practice between mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 126: 108330.

Huang, Y, He, S, and Gan, L., (2021). Introduction to Special Issue: Unpacking the Chinese Dream of Homeownership, International Journal of Housing and Built Environment. 36(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s10901-021-09827-y

Huang, Y, He, S, and Gan, Li, (2021). Homeownership and Housing Divide in China: Introduction to SI, Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. Vol. 108, January 2021, 102967.

Lawrence WR*, Gates-Kuliszewski MA, Hosler AS, Leinung MC, Zhang X, Zhang W, Du J, Schymura MJ, Boscoe FP. Association between preexisting mental illnesses and mortality among Medicaid-insured women diagnosed with breast cancer. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 270, February 2021, 113643 [PMID pending]

Li, R. (2021). Visualizing COVID‐19 information for public: Designs, effectiveness, and preference of thematic map. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. 3(1), 97-106. doi: 10.1002/hbe2.248

Mowbray, O., Campbell, R., Disney, L., Lee, M., Fatehi, M., & Scheyett, A. (2021). Peer support provision and job satisfaction among certified peer specialists. Social Work in Mental Health, 1-15.

Patil U, Kostareva U, Hadley M, Manganello J, Okan O, Dadaczynski K, Massey P, Agner J, & Sentell T. (2021). Health literacy, digital health literacy, and COVID-19 pandemic attitudes and behaviors in U.S. college students: Implications for interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Ranjit, YS, Krishnan, A, Earnshaw, V, Weikum, D, Ferro, E, Sanchez, J, & Altice, FL. (2021). Psychometric evaluation and validation of the HIV Stigma Scale in Spanish among men who have sex with men and transgender women. Stigma and Health. In Press.

Reynolds, M, Fox, AM, Young, Y.  (2021). “State-Level Social Safety-Nets for Families Coping with Job Loss,” Poverty and Public Policy, forthcoming.

Roberson K.*, and Carter, RT. (2021). The relationship between race-based traumatic stress and the Trauma Symptom Checklist: Does racial trauma differ in symptom presentation? Traumatology. Advance online publication.

Roberson K.*, and Pieterse, (2021). A. Internalized racism and self-esteem: Do depressive symptoms matter? Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 2021 July; 27(3):531-536. PMID: 34014704; DOI: 10.1037/cdp0000453

Scharff, A., Roberson, K.*, Sutherland, M.E., & Boswell, J.F. (2021). Black therapists working with Black clients: Intervention use and caseload preferences. Practice Innovations.

Xia, Y, Huang, Y, and Li, J., 2021. Urban Low-income Residents’ Employment Changes and Driving Forces after Displacement in Nanjing, China (Nanjing shi dishouru jumin beipo banqianhou de jiuye biandong ji yingxiang yinsu) Geographic Science (dili kexue) (In Chinese).

Yi, C, Ren, J and Huang, Y, 2021. Multiple Home Ownership during Market Transition in China: Longitudinal Analysis of Institutional Factors, Housing Studies, 38(6).

Zeng J, Lawrence WR*, Yang J, Tian J, Li G, Lian W, He J, Qu H, Wang X, Li C, Li G. Association between serum uric acid and obesity in Chinese adults: A nine-year longitudinal data analysis. BMJ Open. 2021;11:e041919. PMID: 33550245

Zhu, X, Dalal, DK, Nolan, KP, & Barnes-Farrell, J. (2021). Understanding the role of organizational personality and social identity concerns on initial organizational attraction: A humanness perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior.


Aboueid, S, Ahmed, R, Jasinska, M, Pouliot, C, Hermosura, BJ, Bourgeault, I, & Giroux, I. (2020). Weight communication: How do health professionals communicate about weight with their patients in primary care settings? Health Communication. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1857516 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 20]

Ahmed, R, & Veronis, L. (2020). Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption: A comparison of four ethnocultural and immigrant communities in Ottawa, Canada. International Communication Gazette, 82(3), 289-315. DOI: 10.1177/1748048519828594 DOI: 10.1177/1748048519828594 Advance online publication: February 16, 2019. DOI:

Aminov Z, Carpenter DO and the Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment (2020) Serum concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and the metabolic syndrome in Akwesasne Mohawks, a Native American community. Environ Poll 260: 114004

Bhatia, R. “Doing and Undoing Nation through ART: A Franco-American Comparison.” (2020) Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online 11: 65-72.

Bhatia, R. “Tricky Tools for Feminist Struggle: Sex Ratios as Indicators of the Status of Women and Girls." (2020) Catalyst: Feminist, Theory, Technosicence 6 (2). Special Section: Computing in/from the South.

Brown, SE, Krishnan, A, Ranjit, YS, Marcus, R, & Altice, FL (2020). Assessing mobile health feasibility and acceptability among HIV-infected cocaine users and their healthcare providers: Guidance for implementing an intervention. mHealth, 6(4), 1-11. doi:10.21037/mhealth.2019.09.12

Burrell, J. and Moodie, E & Torres, G.  “From sparks and embers: Concluding reflections on anthropology, generation, and Central America.” Journal for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 25(4):631-40

Burrell, J., El Kotni, M. and Calmo, R.  “The Anti/Corruption Continuum:  Generation, Politics and Grassroots Anti-Corruption Mobilization in Guatemala.”  Journal for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 25(4):610-630

Cabrera Tineo, YA*, Dillon, FR, Ertl, MM, Renteria, R, & De La Rosa, M. (2020). Discrimination-based acculturative stress, depressive symptoms, and alcohol use among Latina emerging adult immigrants during initial months in USA. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. Advance online publication.

Carter, RT, Roberson, K*, & Johnson, V. (2020). Race-based stress in White adults: Exploring the role of White racial identity status attitudes and type of racial events. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 48(2), 95-107.

Cong X, Hosler AS, Tracy M, & Appleton AA. (2020).  The relationship between parental involvement in childhood and depression in early adulthood. Journal of Affective Disorders, 273: 173-182.

Cong X, Tracy M, Edmunds LS, Hosler AS, & Appleton AA. (2020). The relationship between inflammatory dietary pattern in childhood and depression in early adulthood. Brain Behavior and Immunity Health. 2:100017. doi:10.1016/j.bbih.2019.100017

Cosgrove, D, Bozlak, C, & Reid, P (2020). Service Barriers for Gender Nonbinary Young Adults: Using Photovoice to Understand Support and Stigma: Affilia.

Cui, C, Huang, Y, and Wang, F, (2020). A Relay Race: Intergenerational Transmission of Housing Inequality in Urban China, Housing Studies. 35(6):1088-1109. Published online first on August 7th, 2019.

Darisheva M, Tracy M, Terlikbayeva A, Zhussupov B, Schluger N, McCrimmon T. (2020) Knowledge and attitudes towards ambulatory treatment of tuberculosis in Kazakhstan. BMC Health Services Research. 2020; 20: 563.

Dahl (Kick) AM, Hosler AS. Health literacy and emergency room use among adults with chronic health conditions. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal Vol. 42, No. 4, 293-303. (10/2020 as online) [PMID pending]

Disney, L, McPherson, J, and Jamal, Z. (2020). “We know more than that”: The underemployment experiences of college-educated Iraqi refugees living in the US. Journal of Refugee Studies.

Disney, L, & McPherson, J. (2020). Understanding refugee mental health and employment issues: Implications for social work practice. Journal of Social Work in the Global Community, 5, 19–30.

Dunn Lopez, K, Cravero, C, Krishnan, A, Freire, VS, & Culbert, G (2020) Feasibility of a mHealth survey application for incarcerated and post-release people living with HIV in a low-resource setting. Research in Nursing and Health. doi:10.1002/nur.22098

Dunn Lopez, K, Cravero, C, Krishnan, A, Freire, VS, & Culbert, G (2020) Feasibility of a mHealth survey application for incarcerated and post-release people living with HIV in a low-resource setting. Research in Nursing and Health. doi:10.1002/nur.22098

Eichler, SE, Hopperton, AP, Alava, JJ, Pereira, A, Jr, Ahmed, R, Kozlakidis, Z, Ilic, S, & Rodriguez-Palacios, A. (2020). A citizen science facemask experiment and educational modules to improve Coronavirus safety in communities and schools. Frontiers in Medicine, 7, 486.

Ertl, MM, Agiliga, AU, Martin, CM, Taylor, E, Kirkinis, K, Friedlander, M, Kimber, JM, McNamara, ML, Pazienza, RL, Cabrera Tineo, YA*, & Eklund, A. (2020). “Hands-on” learning in a counseling psychology doctoral program through social justice consultation. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication.

Espel-Huynh, H., Zhang, F., Boswell, J.F., Thomas, G., Thompson-Brenner, H., Juarascio, A., & Lowe, M. (2020). Latent trajectories of eating disorder treatment response among female patients in residential care. International Journal of Eating Disorders. Online First. doi:10.1002/eat.23369

Estrella M, Durazo-Arvizu R, Gallo L, Isasi C, Perreira K, Vu T, Vásquez E, Sachdeva, S, Zeng D, Llabre M, Tarraf, W, Gonzalez H, Daviglus M, Lamar M. Associations between perceived neighborhood environment and cognitive function among middle-aged and older women and men: Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Sociocultural Ancillary Study" Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2020 Jan 23

Fernandes, LMM, Lansky, S, Oliveira, BJ, Friche, AAL, Bozlak, CT, Shaw, BA. (2020). Changes in perceived knowledge about childbirth among pregnant women participating in the Senses of Birth intervention in Brazil: A cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20:265.

Fox, AM, Feng, W, Howell, E. (2020). "Beyond the Medicaid Expansion: How Generous are State Medicaid Programs' Eligibility, Enrollment Rules and Benefits?," Health Affairs, 39(11): 1909–1916.

Grépin, K, Poirier, M, Fox AM., (2020). “The socio-economic distribution of exposure to Ebola: Survey evidence from Liberia and Sierra Leone,” SSM Population Health,10(April): 100472

Henderson, L, Hayward HD, and Melvin T. 2020. “Sociologists Link Higher Black
Mortality Rates from COVID-19 to Racism and Racial Inequality.” Footnotes Special Issue May/June
48 (3): 31.

Holdsworth EA & Appleton AA. (2020) Adverse childhood experiences and reproductive strategies in a contemporary U.S. population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(1): 37-49.

Hosler AS, Cong X, Alharthy A. Food pantry use and its association with neighborhood food environment and food acquisition behavior. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 2020. doi: 10.1080/19320248.2020.1848687 (11/2020 as online) [PMID pending]

Jurkowski, J, Udo, T, Hackstadt, A. (2020). Food Insecurity in NY State: Solutions to Address the Multifaceted Problem. MHD White Paper. Scholars Archive

Klein E, Roberts K, Manganello J, Adams R, & McKenzie L. (2020). When social media images and messages don’t match: Attention to text versus imagery to effectively convey safety information on social media. Journal of Health Communication. DOI:10.1080/10810730.2020.1853282

Laestadius L, Wang Y, Taleb ZB, Kalan ME, Cho Y, & Manganello J. (2020). A content analysis of online national health agency mask guidance for the public in light of COVID-19. JMIR Public Health & Surveillance, 6(2), e19501. DOI: 10.2196/19501

Lahiri, K, Yang, L. Estimating Endogenous Ordered Response Panel Data Models with an Application to Income Gradient in Child Health. Forthcoming in Sankhya B - the Indian Journal of Statistics, 2020.

Lahiri, K, Li, X. Smoking Behavior of Older Adults: A Panel Data Analysis Using HRS. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2020.

Lahiri, K ; Gao, C & Wixon, B, “Value of Sample Separation Information in a Sequential Probit Model” . Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice. Sage publishers. 2020, 151-176.

Lawrence WR*, Lin S, Lin Z, Gurram N , Neamtiu I, Csobod E, Gurzau E. (2020) Interactions between dietary habits and home environmental exposures on respiratory symptoms in Romanian schoolchildren: analysis from the SINPHONIE project. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020 Jan; 27(3): 2647-2657. PMID: 31726368

Lawrence WR*, Hosler AS, Gates Kuliszewski M, Leinung MC, Zhang X, Schymura MJ, Boscoe FP. Impact of preexisting type 2 diabetes mellitus and antidiabetic drugs on all-cause and cause-specific mortality among Medicaid-insured women diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology. 2020 Jun; 66:101710. PMID: 32247208

Li, R. (2020). Mapping beyond the screen of mobile devices: Enhancing spatial awareness through visualized off-screen landmarks. Annals of American Association of Geographers. doi: 10.1080/24694452.2019.1670611

Li, R & Huang, H. (2020). Staying orientated in wayfinding: A comparison of orientation between English and Mandarin speakers. GeoJournal. doi: 10.1007%2Fs10708-020-10242-z

Li, R & Huang, H. (2020) Visual access formed by architecture and its influence on visitor’s spatial exploration in a museum. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding, 4(1), 49-59. doi: 10.15763/issn.2470-9670.2020.v4.i1.a55

Lin, B, Yeo, AJ, Roubinov, D, Luecken, LJ (2020). Effects of maternal and paternal postnatal depressive symptoms on infants' parasympathetic regulation in low-income, Mexican American families. Developmental Psychobiology.

Lin, B, Kidwell, MC, Kerig, PK, Crowell, SE, & Fortuna, AJ (2020). Profiles of autonomic stress responsivity in a sample of justice-involved youth: Associations with childhood trauma exposure and emotional and behavioral functioning. Developmental psychobiology.

Maduka D, Swanson M, Markey K, Anderson B, Tracy M, & Manganello J. (2020). Health literacy among in-care older HIV diagnosed persons with multimorbidity: MMP NYS (excluding NYC). AIDS and Behavior, 20(4), 1092-1105. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-019-02627-0

Mian, MN, Lin, B, Hormes, J, & Earleywine, M. (2020). Establishing safety and stability for treatment engagement with the Unified Protocol. Clinical Case Studies.

Mielenz TJ, Tracy M, Jia H, Durbin LL, Allegrante JP, Arniella G, Sorenson JA. (2020) Creation of the Person-Centered Wellness Home in older adults. Innovation in Aging. 2020; 4(2): igz055.

Moodie, E. and Burrell, J. “Political Generations in Central America.”  Journal for Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology, Vol 25(4): 522-531

Mowbray, O, Campbell, R, Lee, M, Fatehi, M, & Disney, L. (2020). A systematic review of psychosocial-based outcomes in peer-support services. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 1-26.

Muhammad, T.S. and Horton, H.D.. (2020). “The Academy and the Pandemic of Protest:
How Higher Education Institutions Can Shape the Narrative toward Social Justice.” The Acad Leader

Non AL, Román JC, Clausing ES, Gilman SE, Loucks EB, Buka SL, Appleton AA, & Kubzansky LD. Optimism and Social Support Predict Healthier Adult Behaviors Despite Socially Disadvantaged Childhoods. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27(2): 200-212.

Perry, J, Miesing, P, Jurkowski, JM (in press). Food Deserts: Insecurity as a Major Social and Environmental Determinant of Health and Well-Being. Palgraves Encyclopeda of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs.

Pottie, K, Ratnayake, A, Ahmed, R, Veronis, L, & Alghazali, I. (2020). How refugee youth use social media: What does this mean for improving their health and welfare? Journal of Public Health Policy, 41, 268-278. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 20]

Reynolds, M, Fox, AM. (2020). "Is Less More? Examining the Relationship between Food Assistance Generosity and Childhood Obesity," SSM Population Health, 11: 100573;

Sabourin, R, & Ahmed, R. (2020). Empathizing with the criminally insane: Establishing good practices for patient-provider communication. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 10(1), 54-73. DOI: 10.4018/IJCBPL.2020010105

Scharff, A, Breiner CE, Ueno, LF, Underwood, SB, Merritt, EC, Welch, LM, Fonda, C, Malatras, JW, Lin, B, Hormes, JM, Pieterse, A, Gordis, E., Halpern, LF, Pazienza, R., Litchford, GB (2020). Shifting a training clinic to teletherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a trainee perspective. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-11.

Smith K, Manganello J, Roberts K, Kaercher R, & McKenzie L. (2020). News coverage of pediatric injury research: Maternal understanding and engagement. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 12(3/4), 189-201. DOI: 10.1080/17538068.2020.1719330

Strully, KW, T Yang, H Liu. (2020) “Regional variation in COVID-19 disparities: Connections with Immigrant and Latinx Communities in US counties.” Annals of Epidemiology.

Suglia SF, Brown AGM, Campo RA, Boyce CA, Stoney C, Appleton AA, Bleil M, Boynton-Jarrett, R, Dube SR, Dunn EC, Ellis BJ, Heard-Garris NJ, Fagundes CP, Johnson SB, Mujahid M, Slopen N, Su S, & Watamura S. (2020).  Social determinants of cardiovascular health: early life adversity as a contributor to disparities in cardiovascular diseases.  Journal of Pediatrics, 219: 267-273.

Thomas, M., Herring, C., Horton, H.D., Semyonov, M., Henderson, L. and Mason,P. (2020). “Race and the Accumulation of Wealth:

Wang, Y, Ren, J, Yi, C Huang, Y and Ma, X, (2020). The Temporal Change of Housing Inequality in Urban China, Housing Studies. Published first online on July 16, 2020.

Wang, Y, Li, Y, Huang, Y, Yi, C, and Ren, J, (2020). “Housing Wealth Inequality in China: An Urban-Rural Comparison”. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. Vol. 96. Jan. Published online first in 2019.

Woolfork, NM, Fox, AM, Swartzendruber, A., Rathburn, S., Lee, J., Mutanga, J.N.,  Ezeamama, E.A. (2020). “Empowerment and HIV Risk Behaviors in Couples: Modeling the Theory of Gender and Power in an African Context,” Women’s Health Reports, 1(1): DOI: 10.1089/whr.2019.0020

Zhang W, Kinney P, Rich DQ, Sheridan SC, Romeiko XX, Dong GH, Stern EK, Du Z, Xiao J, Lawrence WR*, Lin Z, Hao Y Lin S. (2020) How community vulnerability factors jointly affect multiple health outcomes after catastrophic storm. Environment International. 2020 Jan; 134:105285. PMID: 31726368

Zheng G, Miller P, von Hippel Fa, Buck CL, Carpenter DO and Salamova A (2020) Legacy and emerging semi-volatile organic compounds in sentinel fish from an Arctic formerly used defense site in Alaska. Environ Poll 259: 113872.


Ahmed, R, & Veronis, L (2019). Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption: A comparison of four ethnocultural and immigrant communities in Ottawa, Canada. International Communication Gazette. First Online: February 16, 2019. DOI:

Allsopp MAK, Hosler AS. Insights gained from a pilot survey of farmers and vendors who received funding from a Locally Grown Produce Initiative in New York State. Nutrition and Dietetic Educators and Preceptors NDEP-Line 2019 Fall:11-14.

Allsopp MAK, Hosler AS. A retrospective evaluation of the short-term sustainability of the Locally Grown Produce Initiative of the Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program in New York State. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2019; 25(2):191-196

Appleton AA, Kiley K, Holdsworth EA, and Schell LM. 2019. Social support during pregnancy modifies the association between adverse childhood experiences and infant birth size. Maternal and Child Health Journal 23(3):408-415. doi: 10.1007/s10995-018-02706-z.

Baker TA, Vásquez E, Minahan JA. Variability of pain outcomes and physical activity among a diverse sample of older men: Is it more than just race? Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2019 Jan-Dec;5

Burrell, J. & Moodie, E.  “Introduction: Sound Bites and Suffering:  Ethnographic Interventions into Understanding Central America and the Migrant Caravan.”  In Cultural Anthropology, Hot Spots. January.

Chatterji, P., Liu, X., & Yoruk, B. (2019). “The effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on family structure and public program participation among young adults.”  Review of Economics of the Household; 17(4): 1133–61.

Chatterji, P., Liu, X., & Yoruk, B. (2019). “Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act dependent care provision on military participation among young adults”.  Eastern Economic Journal Special Issue on the 2010 Affordable Care Act; 45(1): 87-111.

Cong X, Tracy M, Edmunds L, Hosler AS, Appleton AA. The relationship between inflammatory dietary patter in childhood and depression in early adulthood. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity Health doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2019.100017 (Dec 2019)

Davison, KK, Gavarkovs, A, Vigilante, A, Aftosmes-Tobio, A, Kalyoncu, B, Kazik,K, Taveras, E, Beckerman, J, Jurkowski, J, Lansburg, K Kitos, N Klabunde, R, Barouch, R, Figueroa, R, Haneuse, S (2019). Communities for Healthy Living (CHL) – a family-centered childhood obesity prevention program integrated into Head Start services: Study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized trial. 78:34-45. Contemporary Clinical Trials.

Echeverria SE, Divney A, Rodriguez F, Sterling M, Vásquez E, Murillo R, Lopez L. Nativity and occupational determinants of physical activity participation among Latinos. Am J Prev Med. 2019 Jan; 56(1):84-92.

Feingold BJ, Xue X, Neff R, Bozlak C, Hosler AS, Jurkowski J. Introducing a dynamic framework to jointly address policy impacts on environmental and human health in a regional produce recovery and redistribution system. Journal of Public Affairs, 2019;19(3) e1859.

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