Authoring SGML DTD's with GELLMU1
By William F. Hammond
[email protected]
September 28, 1998
It is certainly not a new idea that SGML markup can be used to manage many things including, in particular, SGML DTD's. �(For the moment, I am at a loss to find a publicly visible example.)

The extensible nature of GELLMU (Generalized Extensible LATEX-Like MarkUp) is rooted in the fact that GELLMU may be used to author SGML documents. �

It follows, inasmuch as GELLMU may be used to prepare an SGML document, that it may be used to prepare an SGML document that is used to generate an SGML DTD. �

The following included verbatim segment is the text of a simple GELLMU document "prexdt.glm" that flows in one step, i.e., GELLMU stage 1, to "prexdt.sgml". �It is followed by a copy of the DTD for a simple SGML document type that I have named "dtd". �"prexdt.sgml" is a document under the "dtd" document type. �With a small collection of stage 3 codelets for sgmlspl, one may then generate "prexdt.dtd", which is the third included verbatim segment below. �

Of course, if this is to make any sense, it must follow that "boot.dtd" can itself be authored with the document type that it defines, and that is, indeed, the case. �




About the GELLMU verbatim command
Since GELLMU documents are amenable for processing to many ultimate target formats, including possible future formats, it is essential to make verbatim sections safe. �This means that verbatim sections cannot be prepared in the way that a LATEX "verbatim environment" is prepared. �Even the HTML "pre" command -- for pre-formatted text -- requires the preparer to escape the characters `<', `>', and `&' where they occur in the pre-formatted material. �

There are two reasonable ways to handle verbatim material in a GELLMU system:

  1. Prepare the material, as for HTML, for direct inclusion in the SGML image of a GELLMU document. �
  2. Filter the material to use symbolic character names for any character that is not strictly alpha-numeric before inserting the material inside a GELLMU verbatim command. �

GELLMU is an acronym for "Generalized Extensible LATEX-like MarkUp". �As of October, 1998 all GELLMU materials are didactic, and there has been no "release" of related code. �The GELLMU materials, under frequent revision, are available for examination. �This document on the web is , and the durable GELLMU web entrance is . �

[Processed from GELLMU to LATEX on Fri Oct 2 16:36:29 EDT 1998]